Pride 2024 is voorbij. 215 extra vlaggen dit jaar in de Rivierenbuurt! Dank voor alle inzet en natuurlijk dank aan alle buurtgenoten die Churchill-Pride met elkaar mogelijk maakten door een vlag op te hangen!
De Roze Koeken Party werd door ruim 100 buurtbewoners bezocht in de leeftijd van 6 tot 86 jaar. Er werd gekletst, gedanst, gegeten en gedronken en vooral genoten om zoveel buren beter te leren kennen.
Tot volgend jaar!

Churchill-Pride was 19 juli in Hart van Nederland Late Editie. Item begint op 16.20 min.


Welcome to our website: It's fresh off the press. As the name suggests, we’re quite proud of it.

For a long time now, Rainbow flags have been flying during Pride on Churchill-laan, especially in the rear section. Last year, no fewer than 18 flags were vandalized or set on fire. As residents, we responded by hanging even more flags. It was a heartwarming response and absolutely necessary!

This year, we would like to invite the entire Churchill-laan and surrounding area to also hang a Rainbow flag. That's why we've put up banners in the street to raise more awareness. This solidarity is still very much needed. Unfortunately, violence and resistance are increasing again. That’s why Churchill-Pride is offering a colorful counter-sound.

On this website, we often use the term 'Queer'. It helps to avoid getting lost in terms like LGBTQ+, gay, or homosexual, and so on. It might take some getting used to, but it's becoming more widely used, it’s easier, and everyone in the Rainbow community can feel at home with it.

Churchill-laan met regenboogvlaggen

How it all started

In 2016, there was exactly one Rainbow flag on Churchill-laan; the one from my wife and me. In 2019, there were three flags. Then my neighbor’s flag was vandalized. That affected our sense of safety. Should we still put up that flag?

I asked the neighborhood to show solidarity by also hanging Rainbow flags. The support was overwhelming. Our entire block was filled with flags. What a beautiful sight. Heartwarming!

Now, for years during Amsterdam Pride, many joyful flags have been displayed in our part of the street. Last year, a Rainbow flag in our block was set on fire. Horrible, of course. In solidarity, even more neighbors put up flags. There were about 80 flags in the last part of Churchill-laan and on Slaak- and Sloestraat. Fantastic!

But again, many of them were vandalized. 18 in total. It’s disheartening. But we won’t give up!

We want more flags, not fewer!

Churchill-Pride is about visibility, action, awareness, and definitely also about connection and celebrating together!

I hope for a lot of flags.
So that you can be who you are.
Because everyone should love who they want to love!

Will you join us?


(Photo from Q, by Anita Muschner)

What we do

This year, we are organizing a variety of activities again. We will be giving out free flags and flagpoles. If you don’t have a flagpole holder, we can install one on your facade for free, if you wish.

If you can't or don't want to hang a flag but still want to show your support, we have a free A3-sized poster that you can put in your window. Residents of Churchill-laan and the surrounding area will receive this in their mailboxes at the beginning of July.

Churchill-laan met regenboogvlaggen

Roze Koeken Party

As a thank you to every neighborhood resident who supports the Rainbow/Queer community, we organize the Pink Cakes Party each year.

It started small, with coffee, tea, and pink cakes in front of our door, but it has since grown into a very friendly, connecting neighborhood event where you can meet both familiar and new neighbors. This year, we’re going all out with a completely new setup.

There will also be a real Coffee Cart, complete with a coffee machine and a Barista. We’ll provide coffee, tea, soft drinks, and of course, pink cakes. We also have a limited number of pink stools for seating. Chips and nuts will be plentiful. For any other snacks, drinks, or chairs: feel free to bring your own.

Chris' story

Celebrating Pride isn’t just for the LGBTQIA+ community, it’s really about highlighting the importance of celebrating individuality and being one’s true authentic self. When we show pride, we are sending a powerful message that we will not be silenced, erased, or oppressed.

For so many, coming out and being open about their sexuality or gender identity can be daunting and a vulnerable experience.

​June is when a majority celebrate gay and queer pride in most communities, which is what prompted us in hanging our pride flag earlier than usual during 2023 – a way to start our celebration leading up to Amsterdam Pride. We awoke the next morning to find our flag had been burned, something we thought we would never experience in The Netherlands.

What was first shock and disbelief, quickly turned to a sadness We have always felt comfort in knowing that this type of behavior was neither tolerated nor common in this country. It quickly became clear that no matter how much acceptance you feel within a community, there are always those that choose fear, hate, and discrimination.

We are not easily intimidated nor rattled by such actions and used it as an opportunity to rally and unite in solidarity and friendship. ​The entirety of the Churchill-laan and surrounding areas came together through community newsletters explaining what happened and the need to stand together – neighbours from far and wide reached out to show their support and together we set into action installing extra flags at approximately 40 residences and businesses. At the end at least 80 flags were hanging in the neighborhood.

This strong show of support quickly captured the attention of news media as well as the mayor of Amsterdam. Even though our flag was destroyed, it shows that even in the face of hate and discrimination, love and support can conquer all, and that together, we can create a more inclusive and welcoming world for everyone. What we gained can never be undermined or replaced – a lasting bond and friendship with so many people we would have otherwise never gotten the opportunity to meet.

Our hearts belong to the Churchilllaan-community and can’t thank everyone enough for their support.

A special thank you to those that have worked tirelessly behind the scenes for so many years for acceptance and inclusion.


Want to read more stories? You find them here! (in Dutch)

Request a free flag

Would you like to display a flag? We'd love that! It provides a sense of safety for Queer (LGBTQ+) residents who want to hang a flag during Pride when others in the neighborhood do the same. This way, it’s not obvious who lives where (Queer or not), which is especially comforting and supportive given the rise in aggression.

From Friday, July 19 to Sunday, August 4, 2024, it's Queer and Pride Amsterdam. We hope to see Pride flags waving all along Churchilllaan and the surrounding area!

We offer free flags, poles, and flagpole holders. You can choose between the Rainbow Flag and the Progress Flag, as shown below. If you don't have a flagpole holder, we can install one on your facade for free upon request.

Want to request a flag? Send a message or call Willemijn at 06 - 5474 5929.

Want to support us by displaying our poster in front of your window? You can find it here!

Missing image

Example Rainbow flag

Missing image

Example Progress flag

My Image
My Image
My Image
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Flag destroyed?

How sad that your flag has been vandalized! Unfortunately it happens often. In any case, you will receive a new flag or pole from us for free.

Reporting is important!

It is really important to have a good overview of where and how often it happens.
And if possible by whom.
Recordings from front door cameras are therefore also very welcome.

Report to Willemijn

Furthermore, the request to please report it to Willemijn 06-54745929. Preferably with a photo of the destruction.
Even if the flag or pole is not broken, but has been pulled from the facade, please report it.

Report to the police:

The police take Pride flag vandalism very seriously.
We have a special contact person at the police: Mike Jansen.
You can email him in the event of vandalism:
You can also make a report.
By telephone (this is the fastest): 0900-8844
Online is also possible, but it is very slow. Reporting is quickest if you go to a police station in person.

If you see someone destroying a flag, you can call 112 immediately.
Again, it is high on the police attention list.

Support us!

Please consider making a donation! Churchill-Pride is a community-driven initiative run entirely by volunteers. We have no income, so your support is crucial. With your donation, we can:

  • Continue distributing flags and poles for free (a flag set costs €25).
  • Host our Pink Cookies Party without charging an entry fee.
  • Create publicity materials.
  • Organize new activities.
  • Cover volunteer expenses.

Every donation, big or small, makes a difference. Your contribution is greatly appreciated!

Want to become a volunteer?

Churchill-Pride has grown significantly over the past year, thanks to the tireless efforts of just a few dedicated individuals. We are now in need of some extra hands to help us continue our work and expand.

We are looking for people to assist with practical activities, such as:

  • Helping out at the Roze Koeken Party
  • Distributing flyers
  • Installing flagpole holders
  • Setting up and cleaning up events
  • Various other tasks and odd jobs
  • Maintaining our website and providing digital support in other areas

We are also seeking individuals who can contribute ideas and planning:

  • Developing new plans for next year
  • Executing new initiatives
  • Applying for grants and permits

We aim to form a group with these individuals to bring fresh ideas and broaden our base.

Interested? Please contact Willemijn!

Scan QR code to donate

My Image

Wat is Churchill-Pride?

Churchill-Pride laat zien dat de Churchill-laan een plek is voor iedereen. In 2023 werden er veel Regenboogvlaggen vernield en als reactie hingen de bewoners van de laan massaal een Regenboogvlag op. Dat ondersteunen wij natuurlijk en daarom kun je via Churchill-Pride gratis een vlag bestellen.

Wil je bijdragen?

Churchill-Pride is een bewonersinitiatief en waardeert je gift! Wil je bijdragen, heel graag!:

Scan de QR code om te doneren

Vlag ophangen

Dit jaar hangen we naast de Regenboogvlag, samen met Stadsdeel Zuid, op acht locaties op de Churchill-laan Spandoeken op rondom de Pride-maand. Zo maken we die extra feestelijk!


Wil je nog iets weten? Neem dan gerust contact op!

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Welcome at Churchill-Pride